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Sales Development, Marketing, and Networking

s your company taking a digital transformation path ?

Digital transformation, or digitalisation of production processes, but also organizational ones,

distribution and marketing , is a hot topic of industrial innovation, also considering the investments for industry 4.0 and the facilities provided by the 2017 budget law. Even for SMEs, not adapting to new technologies can mean lagging behind and losing opportunities of business


Visioning, Strategic Planning, and Defining Expectations

Vision, mission, definition, strategic planning and tactics of action

To conceive and put into practice a strategy we must face two interrelated steps:
1) creation, which is the initial part in defining what to do to make winning organizations and that is the main focus of top management and entrepreneurs ;



Operations, Personnel, Team Building, and Scaling Up

how you can quickly get started building your own extension for VSTS. Let’s get started with a look at the latest release experience improvements.

My Approach To Coaching

Our focus is the integration between the different components necessary for the success of the client’s project and a strong focus on the management aspects of organizational change, such as training and motivation.

CEO, Divi Corner

Bookmark srl is able to provide complete support to its Customers, from strategic planning, to the identification of organizational and process solutions, to the management of internal change, to the identification of the best software solutions on the market and to the development of specific software solutions.


CEO, Extra Space

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Business Coaching?

According to the definition of business coaching it is a training strategy aimed at the world of work, in particular to managers and various professionals: entrepreneurs of small-medium enterprises, freelancers, sellers and companies in start-up. The definition of business coaching suggests that it is an ad hoc intervention according to the specific needs of the client in order to strengthen and expand the productivity of a company or a company.

How Do I Know if Business Coaching Is Right for Me?

A king received two small hawks as a gift and gave them to the master falconer for their formation.

Do You Only Work With Established Companies?

Another way to do some experience in a specific area is to work while being paid little or nothing; it does not sound very stimulating, but guys, it can help you to open any kind of door

Do You Offer Ongoing Consulting Services?

For each product category IQS Service Srl is able to offer horizontal and targeted consulting services, to improve the competitiveness of companies, in terms of image, continuous improvement, compliance with mandatory regulations, development in the global market.

Do You Invest In Startup Companies?
If you are interested in investing in innovative startups and SMEs, on this page you will find all the information you need to take this path in a conscious and responsible way.

Latest News

How To Prepare Your Child For Daycare

Are you entering your toddler into daycare for the first time? It can be a traumatic experience for the kid to go from being at home with parents or any other family member to being in a structure childcare program, even when the caretakers are the best and have a nurturing environment. While in most cases, infants up to 7 months old adjust well in such settings, whereas older infants may get upset when introduced to new people.

They need extra time and effort to feel comfortable with the caretakers and to get used to the routine of you picking them up at the end of your shift. Starting with new child care centers is usually harder on parents than it is for the kids. Being prepared can help you and your kid with the transition. To prepare your kids for daycare, try the following.

Ease them into it

In many cases, a slow introduction to the childcare system works best for kids. Introduction in little doses can help prepare the kids emotionally. You can start off with 2-hour session 3 or 2 days a week, and when the time comes, you’ll be surprised as to how well your kid responds to being left there for the whole day. It’s not that you have to stick to this routine, you can work up a schedule as per your availability and ease your kind into the structure.

Visit together

When easing your kids into the daycare system, ask the centers if you can visit with your kid and spend some time together in their classroom; it could be on the playground as well. This will help your child feel safe in the new environment, as they explore it for the first time. If the daycare doesn’t allow you to visit with the kid, try driving up to the center and showing your kid the playground from the outside. It may get them excited to see the new playing equipment they get to try soon.

Avoid lingering

The best practice, as emphasized by a huge number of moms and child care bendigo providers, is to practice a simple and quick drop-off routine. Try to make your good-byes as quick as possible, even if your kids are yelling and crying. It may sound cruel or even harsh to parents, but lingering to make them stop crying makes the whole situation worse.

When dropping off your kids, give them a kiss and/or a hug, tell them that you love them but make sure that you do not cling to them. It will give them hope that you might be able to stay behind and spend more time with them, which is bound to create more problems.


3 Reasons You Should Hire a Live-in Nanny

If you’re having some issues dealing with your kids and trying hard to manage your professional career, this is the perfect time to get a live-in nanny for them! A live-in nanny means that you don’t have to worry about taking care of your kids all the time. All you have to do is simply be available at the time they are awake and enjoy serving them food without a constant worry of running around them.

If you’re seriously tired of dealing with your children and the drama at work, here are three reasons why you should definitely get a babysitting service gold coast.

1. No More Time Management Worries

With a nanny, you will no longer have to worry about managing time with your work and your kids. You will no longer need to worry about ensuring they sleep on time, eat on time or even manage their mood swings. A live in nanny is always available to care for them and ensure they’re always in a happy mood.

live in nanny

A live in nanny also makes sure you’re able to get your individual space if you have to manage a few work things at home. Instead of getting caught up and overwhelmed with the work and emotional pressure, it is just easier to delegate work to the live in nanny and get rid of any concerns regarding your kids.

2. No More Entertainment Worries

You will be able to make sure there are zero concerns regarding entertainment of your kids. You can focus on your career, give them time when you have it and ensure they’re being fed and kept warm on time. Instead of wasting your time playing with them, it is easier to keep them active and up front about their entertainment. If there is someone who needs to be worried about their entertainment, it would be their live in nanny who is making sure there is time to play with them.

Another great thing is that the live in nanny can adopt to your children’s habits instead of making them fussy about their habits towards her. This makes things easier and offers a better approach to managing children.

3. No More Food/Sleep Concerns

The worst thing about managing work and kids is that so much time is wasted making sure they eat their food on time and sleep enough to stay happy and not cranky. Instead of wasting this much time, it would be much easier if you simply have a live in nanny who’s job it is to make sure the kids sleep on time and eat on time.

So if you’re busy with work but have prepared food, you do not have to worry about feeding them as well.

How to open a business

If you are interested in learning more or more about the process to start a business in a specific sector, we suggest you visit the section Open an activity – Complete guide where for each type of activity is explained well step by step how to start it and where news is published advice, ideas and curiosityto build or increase the success of your business.

To view all franchise opportunities to open an activity, start from the Home page .

We also recommend that you read and regularly visit the Profitable activities section, where we periodically insert the most successful sectors or ideas or which will have it in the short term.

Start a business

Here we see the fundamental steps to open any business , or those steps that you need to do to start an activity regardless of the sector in which you will be operating.

With the liberalization of licenses, starting a business has become much simpler, but there are still restrictions for some of them. For example, medical and health activities can be carried out by individuals in possession of specific professional requirements, while the opening of a bar or a tobacconist is subject to territorial and municipal restrictions.

However, whatever the activity to be opened will have to:

  • Report the opening of the new activity to the municipality in charge : it is a model that must be completed and sent to the competent bodies at least 30 days before the opening.
  • Open VAT number
  • register with the INPS
  • register with INAIL
  • Locate the Ateco Activity Code (to view the complete list of codes divided by category click here )
  • Choose the most advantageous tax scheme
  • If it is an activity linked to the trade or processing of food, it is necessary to be in possession of the SAB certificate (administration of food and beverages), or of an equivalent qualification such as the hotel diploma or having worked for at least 2 years in the last 5 as a food business operator. The SAB course and the related exam can be taken at provincial, municipal or regional bodies, has a duration of about 100 hours and an approximate cost of 800 euros.

To see the details of the above obligations and the related costs read: Open a business activity: process, costs, facilities and financing

For free information and advice you can go to the SUAP in your area or an accountant.

We also recommend carrying out the following two operations:

  • Draw up a Business Plan by identifying: the object of the activity to be started , the context, the objectives, the initial investment, the analysis of the market and the return of the investment.
  • Verify the permissions and concessions that may be required for your specific project. Example: activities in the food sector, catering and in those sectors where the law requires specific hygienic-sanitary and professional requirements.

To learn more about the opening of the shop, see also: Open a store – Complete guide

To learn more about the topic of opening a business in the restaurant, see also: Catering – Complete guide

The 7 things not to be wrong to start well

  1. Analyze the market and analyze your area to understand if the activity you want to open can be successful;
  2. Pragmatism: remember that you can have a very nice project, that is to open the business of your dreams, you can have ambition and determination to sell, but not said that this activity is required and therefore is successful. It is therefore necessary to analyze all aspects well and to retrace your steps when the data tell us that it would not be convenient;
  3. Draw up a budget by calculating it as follows: CAPITAL + CAPITAL IN LOAN – RESERVE CAPITAL (as guarantee in case of failure);
  4. Analyze yourself. Being an entrepreneur is very different from being an employee. Responsibilities change, emotional and personal involvement;
  5. The promotion: find the best advertising system to raise awareness of your business;
  6. Never stop learning: from what you see, from customer critiques and mistakes;
  7. Spread a business plan: even if an activity runs well the costs could be very high and reduce the margins of quada and therefore the income. There is nothing worse than working hard and not having a satisfactory income.

How and where to do business online

You are aspiring entrepreneurs but do not know what kind of company to open and how to set it up? Do you want to know immediately all the responsibilities for the entrepreneur and for the members? In this article we try to provide the answers for those who choose to open an independent business, analyzing and comparing partnerships of people and capital.

What kind of company?

The company is an economic organization that produces goods or provides services. Depending on the sector of activity in which it operates, our economic system places them in three macro-sectors :

  • Primary (agriculture, forests, animal husbandry and fishing);
  • Secondary (manufacturing, mining, production, construction);
  • Tertiary (service activities, including the PA).

=> Discover rules and incentives for starting a business

Companies are also distinguished on the basis of profit. In this area there are companies working to achieve a profit to be allocated to the owner or partners of the company, and the companies ‘ non-profit ‘, non-profit organization such as non-profit , non-profit organizations of social utility, which operated as a manager, like any private company, they operate with the constraint of covering costs but do not distribute profits to the owners (to set them up, they need a “found raising”, search for donors and sponsors consistent with their mission).

=> Find out how to choose the right activity

What legal form?

The companies are also distinguished in partnerships (Snc and Sas) and joint-stock companies (Srl and SpA).

In order to set up an SNC (a collective company), a written document must be registered with the Business Office, which must include: general information on the shareholders, company name, indication of the shareholders who are responsible for representing the company, corporate purpose, indication of the registered office, contributions by each member, services to which all the members are obliged, duration of the company and methods for the distribution of profits and losses.
The partners they are unlimitedly and jointly responsible for social obligations. Amounts can not be distributed among the members if they are not actually obtained profits and, if a loss of the share capital occurs, it is not possible to distribute profits until the share capital itself has been reinstated or reduced accordingly.

=> Business creation: instructions for use

The SaS (limited partnership) has two categories of members: general partners and limited partners. The difference between the two types consists of the greater obligations and responsibilities provided for the general partners with respect to the limited partners. The limited partners, in fact, respond for solidarity obligations limited to the quota conferred while the general partners are unlimitedly responsible. The greater responsibility is compensated by the fact that only the latter can represent society and make their names appear in the company name.

=> Establishment of a Srl

La Srl (limited liability company) is a limited company and responds to social obligations with its assets. The minimum capital is 10,000 euros, however, special limited liability companies with a share capital of one euro are under development. If the company formed a unilateral act, it becomes “unipersonal limited liability”. The characteristic of this company is the presentation of a single member.

=> How to open a simplified Srl

The SpA(Società per Azioni) is a capital company with patrimonial autonomy. The company repays its debts with assets. The member’s quality is obtained through the purchase of shares. The shareholders, however, do not administer the company nor can they take direct knowledge of the documentation relating to the administration activity. When the capital is reduced by more than a third as a result of losses, the directors must convene the meeting. If, within the next financial year, the loss is not reduced by at least one third, the shareholders’ meeting or supervisory board approving the financial statements must reduce the capital corresponding to the loss ascertained. If the loss involves the reduction of the capital below the legal minimum, currently equal to 120,000 euros,

As with the company, the corporate law reform offered the possibility of setting up a joint-stock company by a unilateral deed, ie with a single shareholder ( read more ).

The limited partnership for Shares presents the typical elements of the SpA and the Sas Sono, in fact, there are two categories of shareholders: the general partners, necessarily administrators, respond solidly and without limit for the social obligations; the limited partners must only make the transfers to which they are obliged to subscribe the shares.






1234 Divi St. San Francisco, CA 93521